Unicity Distributor

Unicity COQ10 Advanced Formula


CoQ10 supports cardiovascular health by replenishing the body’s supply of coenzyme Q10.

The formula now contains 100 mg of CoQ10 along with L-carnitine, taurine, vitamin E, and vitamin B12 for additional cardiovascular maintenance.


Take two softgels a day with food.
  • Adults looking to support the cardiovascular system.
  • Individuals who want to support the body’s cellular energy production.
  • Adults looking to promote cellular health as they age.
  • Serving Size: 2 Softgels
  • Servings Per Container: 30


Cells are the building blocks of life. Our bodies are made up of trillions of cells that perform specific life-sustaining functions, and for each cell to function, a certain amount of energy is required. Luckily for us, the cells in our bodies all have the ability to convert the food we eat into energy. Many of the processes in our body, including energy conversion, require the use of coenzymes. A particularly important coenzyme for energy conversion is called coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10).

The highest concentration of naturally-produced CoQ10 is found in the heart. Because of this, CoQ10 has been extensively studied as a cardiovascular health support supplement. In addition to helping facilitate energy conversion, CoQ10 is also known for its ability to help support antioxidant activity in the body. So while the importance of CoQ10 is clear, as we age, it has been shown that production levels of CoQ10 in the body begin to decline even as early as in your 20s.

Consuming food sources of CoQ10 is one way to increase CoQ10 levels in the body. However, foods high in CoQ10, such as fatty fish and organ meats, are not something that fit into every diet. Even if you do consume these sources of CoQ10, you would have to consume 4 pounds of beef to meet the daily recommended dosage for CoQ10. At Unicity, we have created a more convenient way to maintain a healthy amount of CoQ10 in the body, even as we age.

Unicity CoQ10 is a dietary supplement softgel that helps make CoQ10 consumption so much easier. Supplementing with Unicity CoQ10 can help to counter the effects of lower CoQ10 production and give our body back the advantage by supporting energy production and antioxidant activity for the heart.


  • Supports antioxidant activity for cardiovascular health support*
  • Promotes overall health as a necessary component for all cells*
  • Promotes cellular energy production for the heart*

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More information on our scientific work on Complete and other Unicity products can be found at unicityscience.org.


CoQ10 Nutrition Facts

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


What is the link between co-enzyme Q10 and ageing? The co-enzyme Q10 is found almost everywhere in the body and is responsible for fundamental cellular functions. As we age, however, the body’s own production of Q10 declines more and more.

Why does CoQ10 contain ubiquinol? Co-enzyme Q10 comes in two forms, ubiquinone and ubiquinol. Ubiquinol is considered the variant with the higher bioavailability. That is why CoQ10 contains ubiquinol.

* Not for Resale – for personal use only

NOTE: ** Keep out of reach of children. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. The recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. Do not use if the security seal is missing or damaged.